Service Level Agreement & Support

Table of system availability

Component Availability
FreightExchange Website, including freight management functions < 99.9%
FreightExchange APIs, including quoting, booking and tracking < 99.9%

Technical Support

In the case of technical problems you must make all reasonable efforts to investigate and
diagnose problems before contacting FreightExchange.

If you need technical help, please check the support provided online by FreightExchange on the
Website or visit our status page before contacting our support team. Our status page can be
found at

Failing that email us at

Support Prioritisation

We prioritise support requests according to the Severity Levels set out in the table below.

Table of support prioritisation

Severity Description Examples Response
Level 1 – Critical Impact The issue prevents business operations and there is no procedural workaround.
  • Website is not accessible.
  • APIs are not returning results or cannot be accessed.
1-4 working hours
Level 2 – Significant impact The issue is causing a major impact to business operations, but this can be worked
around in a limited way.
Bookings can be made but carrier labels are not being automatically generated. 4-8 working hours
Level 3 – Normal impact The issue is causing a partial loss of functionality but business operations can
  • Minor performance degradation.
  • Non-critical functions are not available.
8-24 working hours
Level 4 – Minimal impact The issue is occurring on test or staging systems, is a general question, suggestion or
a documentation issue.
  • Enhancement request.
  • Documentation question.
  • General enquiry.
48-72 working hours


Whilst FreightExchange intends that the Website and APIs should be available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, it is possible that on occasions the Website or APIs may be unavailable for
maintenance or development activities.

Non-critical maintenance activities will be scheduled on:

  • Mondays to Fridays between 22:00 and 06:00 (AEST time)
  • Weekends between 16:00 Saturday and 06:00 Monday (AEST time)

If we have to interrupt services longer than we would normally expect, we will use reasonable
endeavours to notify all users when such maintenance will be carried out.


This SLA excludes all third party systems.

We will use our best endeavours to provide you with up to date information about any outages
that might affect your ability to use FreightExchange. This information will be available via
our status page.


means any API published on
for which you hold a valid API key.
Production System
means any FreightExchange website or API excluding testing environments.
means the online freight management services made available (as may be
changed or updated from time to time by FreightExchange) via the Website or our APIs.
Testing Environments
means any FreightExchange website or API provided for systems testing
Third party system
means any system owned and maintained by companies other than
FreightExchange, including all carrier booking & tracking systems.
means the Customer or Subscriber. “Your” has a corresponding meaning.
means the Internet site at the domain
or any other site operated by FreightExchange.

Uptime Calculation for APIs

Total API Requests
is the total number of quoting, booking or tracking requests made by you to
the FreightExchange API during a billing month.
Failed API Requests
are the total number of requests within Total API Requests that return an
Error Code or do not respond within 2 minutes. API requests that fail due to a third party
carrier outage, are not included in this total.
Monthly Uptime Percentage
is calculated as Total API Requests less Failed API Requests divided by Total API Requests
multiplied by 100.Monthly Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula:Monthly Uptime % = (Total API Requests – Failed API
Requests) / Total API Requests x 100

Uptime Calculation for Website

Monthly Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula:

Monthly Uptime % = (total hours Website was available for the
Monthly Period) / (the total hours for the Monthly Period)


Great Service

Send us a message and our experienced customer service team will email you back the with answers on the same day *.

Submit an Inquiry
*Business days 9am-5pm AEST

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